Listen to Episode 13 of MN GhostBox Now!

On October 21st we had a great conversation with Chad Stambaugh.

ChadChad Stambaugh is a Paranormal Educator. That is among a lot of other things he has accomplished.  Because of his strong advocacy for more education in the paranormal field, he’s created a complete new training series of DVD’s; Paranormal 101, 102, The Paranormal Safety and Paranormal Ethics. All sold on Amazon. Chad has started his own Educational Radio Show, The Paranormal Round Table. Greg Bakun of MN GhostBox made a guest appearance on a few weeks back. It can be found HERE if you would like to listen. The Paranormal Round Table is on every Thursday at  8pm EST/7pm CST/5pm PST.

Chad Stambaugh is also a Multiple Award winner;

*           4 time Paranormal Award winner for Non-Fiction book of the year,

*           Authors First Anthology winner for Short Story adaptation. (2015)

*           Paranormal Radio Show of the year (2015)

*           The IPAA Award (The International Paranormal Acknowledgement Awards)  The IPAA is a special award based on the hard work, focus, personal merit and dedication to the field of the paranormal. Chad is the second American to ever win this award.

It’s a great show with lively conversation about his background of how he got into the Paranormal and what he and his team does on investigations and their general ideology on Paranormal Investigations. Check it out! If you want to listen to previous episodes of MN GhostBox radio, you can do so on or Para-X Radio Page.

If you would like to contact Chad, you can do so below:
Twitter: @parachad13

Greg also talks a little bit about the Palmer House as the weekend before this episode aired He and Nicole shot an episode of the MN GhostBox web series there. They were treated to the greatest help and hospitality possible for their shoot. To find out more about this amazing hotel and what it offers both in terms of Paranormal or just comfortable staying, go to: or call 320-351-9100